10 Rules for Successful Domain Marketing:

4. Create buzz before a launch

A new car, an innovative smartphone, or a brand new innovation in technology: products like these often come as a surprise when they hit the market.


Competitors should learn about the launch as late as possible to limit their time to react and, to ensure that the planned marketing campaign achieves its full effect. Additionally, it must also come as a surprise to customers.

But in the modern information age, it’s not easy to keep secrets like these confidential. Marketing campaigns need to be prepared and a descriptive web address for the product is often at the core of those campaigns.


However, when businesses in the public eye suddenly register new domains, they attract the attention of fans, media, and competitors. Make a virtue out of necessity and begin an elaborate advertising strategy by providing clues when you first register the new domain.


Rumors are typically generated about newly registered domains during the lead-up to major trade shows or industry events, building interest and curiosity. Then the big product launch takes place at the trade show itself.

Click here for Rule #5

The overview of the full article about the 10 Golden Rules can be found here.